Friday, February 1, 2008

The March North

Our march north continued with a stop in La Serena. I call it a march north becuase our real motivation is to get to peru and check out machu pichu, lake titicaca, and a smaller lake that jim told me about named lake poo poo (i dont konw if that one realy exists). However instead of taking a rediculous 2 day bus ride we have been breaking up the trip into small sections which is nice becuase you get to see alot more that way. La Serena has ended up being a nice touristy beach town. It has a nice 2 or so mile beach and all the ammenitys that tourists love such as horse rides on the beach which jim got really excited about.

I would have definatly been more excited about the beach too if i didnt get a insane sun burn in vina del mar a couple days ago. I took my shirt off at the beach and lay there for an hour but was to tired to put suntan lotion on. That night my stomach was a nice shade of hot pink. I guess thats what i get for trying to get golden when there is absolutley zero ozone layer. Another thing about staying in towns for a few days at a time is that it produces what we call street urchin days. We usually try to get the latest bus rides we can to the next town so we can just sleep all night on the bus. However when we have to be out of the hostel at 10am we are left with like 12 or so hours to just walk around the town with our huge backpacks like street urchins. There are some perks to this as we get to see alot of funny things like this llama.

and not to be outdone street preformers like this guy. His act in particular was not very original as i have seen this act in almost every city we have been in. However i have never seen someone spin as fast as this guy.

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