Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Im becoming a sleep ninja. When I first got here all i could thing about was getting a comfortable sleep and not being woken up by infants crying or an uncomfortable bed. I can now sleep in almost any situation. Last nite i passed out for pretty much the whole night on a cramped bus then got a couple more hours of shut eye in a hostel while small children were running around screaming. Unfortunatley Jim has not aquired the same sleep skills and i dont think has slept more than 5 minutes in the last 30 hours. Today also marks the first day of the entire trip that we havent had immaculate sunny skies. The skies over Valporaiso are a dim gray but that has done nothing to diminish my excitement for the town. This place is beauitufl and consists of steep cobbled streets with all sorts of multi colered archetechture. Another great part about the city is that it is absolutley bustling. The downtown area feels like the center of some metropolitan and wordly city yet the population of Valpo is only 260,000. The downside to this is that things are pricey. My sandwich cost 7 dollars at lunch today. I cant complain to much though becuase i did see a tabloid newspaper where the front page is about a women with four breasts and around the corner was a bronze cowboy. I kept waiting for him to do something cool but he was playing with a digital camera or something.


Brendan Halpin said...

sleep ninja? what where you previous. i've know joel to sleep anywhere anytime for the majority of the day

pippo said...

i think by sleep ninja he means he has been operating on less than 14 hours per day of sleep. This is quite an accomplishment for him, jim just can't hang!

Jeffro said...

Actually, I think that Ed first coined the term "sleep ninja" by referring to when you get a sleeping woman so worked up that she wakes and thinks that having sex with you was her idea. or else you just finish up whilst she is asleep without her waking