Monday, February 4, 2008

The Grey Wolf

I had my first Grey Wolf sighting on Saturday. As we rolled out for the Shoot Out the group of about 60 riders were attacked by the Grey Wolf. He describes his riding style as, "short and powerful." He was dressed just like he is in the picture and was riding his custom 12lb bike. He only rides the flats and will take a bus up the hill to his house. He has no need for water because he only drinks milk and coffee. His persona could easily be replicated by Pippo in the future. Just picture it Pippo attacking the Hell Ride group in Missoula.
The Shoot Out itself was super fun. There were a bunch of strong riders and the pace was pretty quick. The ride ends with a short uphill sprint. I finished with the lead group in a pack sprint. The Grey Wolf was then spotted at the U-district Starbucks sipping coffee. His legend lives on!


PassionBlog said...

the grey wolf lives

Jeffro said...

thank you for this gift